Many people want to grow their business but struggle with taking the steps to go from moderate to exponential growth. By following these tips below, you’ll be well on your way to new levels of success.


If you want to make waves in the business world, you need to put yourself out there even if is awkward at first. Start by reaching out to colleagues, classmates, friends and families to make connections; odds are good that you can get an introduction to a CEO of a successful company like Jukin Media to learn more about how he grew his company. Join local networking clubs for your demographic and attend local Rotary and Chamber of Commerce events as well. Once you start making connections, don’t be afraid to ask them how they achieved their business goals. If casually asking is difficult or the timing is off, it never hurts to ask for an informational interview so you can have a more structured setting while you ask the questions that are important to you as you proceed in growing your business.


Many business owners struggle with control, afraid that if they cede power that the business will spiral out of control or that they won’t be adequately informed about the goings-on. However, a truly successful leader will recognize their own strengths and weaknesses and delegate tasks they find distasteful or that they aren’t skilled at to others who excel in that area. Delegation also enables others to feel ownership in the company, creating confident and empowered employees. By allowing other employees to participate in the running of the business, you are laying the groundwork for a company that excels in all areas.

Eyes on the Prize

To gain the momentum to keep your company growing, you need to structure each day with your end goal in mind. Make sure that as you move about your daily schedule, each task is tailored to move your company forward. Try to have at least one part of your day focused on increasing your network of contacts, learning about key employees’ strengths and planning out your goals for the company in the weeks, months and years to come. If necessary, be prepared to consult with experts so that you can tailor your plan to fit your company.

Failing is Fine

Many people are afraid of failure but few remember that failing is actually an excellent opportunity for growth. When you can learn from your mistakes, you will be prepared to avoid those same pitfalls in the future. Failure is also a wonderful method to learn about how you deal with adversity and take the chance to improve your coping and leadership skills if necessary.

To become a successful entrepreneur, have a clear list of goals in mind but remember that it will take work and the ability to trust others and embrace your mistakes. You will be able to accomplish all that you have dreamed if you are committed to actively working to increase your company’s growth.