With so many online accounts asking for passwords, many people just use the same 2-3 passwords repeatedly. This is a big mistake according to computer experts.

In fact, using the same password for different accounts is worse than writing down your passwords. Think about this. Few people can access your password book if you store it safely at home. Yet, many hackers can infiltrate your accounts if they all share passcodes.

So, is pen and paper the new solution for storing online passwords safely? Let’s look at the pros and cons.

You Can Use a Unique Password for Every Account

A password book allows you to use a unique password for every online account. No need to worry about forgetting your passwords either. All you need is to store your little book in your office or house—somewhere close to your devices.

To create passwords, you have two options. You can come up with passwords and write them down. Or, you could use a password generator tool to minimize the chances of being hacked.

Using a password generator helps you generate strong passwords quickly. This makes you less likely to have your accounts compromised by cyber attackers.

Zero Technical Issues

Online password managers are great. But if you lose your master password, there’s no way of accessing your accounts. This isn’t the case with pen and paper. Yes, you can lose your book if you’re not careful.

But you can’t experience technical issues. A bug can’t lock you out of your account. And neither can you experience problems trying to use your password book. It’s a book like any other. All you need is a pen, and you can figure the rest out.

You Can Save Hundreds of Passwords

If you’re like many people, you have at least 10 digital accounts. If work online, you deal with a lot more passwords. Keeping up with all these accounts can be difficult. But this is where a password book comes in handy.

You can store as many passwords as you want. And if your book fills up, you can always buy another one. As a pro tip, you can make things easier for you by organizing your passwords.

You can dedicate the first page to your most-common accounts. Think of social media, email, Netflix, and Twitch. By storing them on the first page of your book, you can memorize them with time.

Store the less-used passwords at the back and your most sensitive passwords in the middle. For added security, enable two-factor authentication. It can help you save your accounts if someone steals your passwords.

Can’t be Hacked

The ultimate reason password books are growing in fashion is that they’re hack-proof. Keep your book locked in your home office and no one can steal it away from you.

Of course, password books are only helpful if you use them to store strong passwords. If you use 123 as your password, it doesn’t matter whether you write it down or not. Someone will hack your account.

Drawbacks to Using a Password Book

In the early days of computer technology, every technician was against writing passwords down. Here are some of the reasons:

You Can Lose your Password Book

The problem with papers is that they get lost. One minute it might be in your pocket. The next minute you don’t have it. Also, if you have nosy family members, there’s a chance they can access it.

Luckily, there’s a solution for not losing your password book. Store it securely, preferably on a lockable shelf.

You Have to Check your Book to Remember Your Passwords

The most inconvenient thing about password books is they don’t auto-fill passwords for you. If you’re required to enter a password you can’t remember, you have to check your password book. If you don’t have the book close to you, you can’t access your passwords.

Keep your Passwords Safe in a Book

Reusing passwords is unsafe. It’s the primary reason most people lose their digital accounts. Surprisingly, using a password book is a cheaper but better way to keep your online accounts safe.

To avoid inconvenience, have a book for your office passwords and a different one for your home accounts. Keep your books secure and you’ll be safe from most online threats.