Trading card games come and go in such a saturated industry. Only a few games actually make it out past a decade. It’s a good hobby for both collectors and competitive individuals but with so many card games to choose from, which ones are truly worth your time?
One of the most popular names when it comes to the TCG industry is and will always be, Magic: The Gathering. Since being released in 1993, this card game has stayed on top of the competitive and collector’s scene, having released hundreds if not thousands of cards along the way.
Even if you are a newcomer to TCG, you’ve definitely heard of Magic: The Gathering already. However, how deep are your knowledge about this TCG staple? Here are a few things that you might not know about Magic: The Gathering.
The Original Name
By now, the TCG community is well aware of the name, Magic: The Gathering. What many don’t know is that the game was supposed to have a different name. That name of course, is Mana Clash. Those who’ve steeped themselves in the game’s history might already be familiar with the story behind it.
When the game was first being tested, it was simply called Magic. However, the development team believed that the name was too broad. The team then went on to list several names for the game and out of all of them, it was Mana Clash that stood out the most.
However, throughout testing, players still referred to the game as Magic. Hence, to keep up with what players have been used to while making the name more unique, the developers decided to call the game Magic: The Gathering instead.
There’s A Video Game Version Of It
Back in the days, Magic: The Gathering is exclusively a tabletop card game. You need to go out and meet with people to be able to battle with them. However, the developers of the game have since expanded their reach by launching a video game based on the TCG.
The video game version of the TCG plays exactly like the tabletop version. It is playable through PC and is currently one of the top-ranking TCG video games out there. If you think you deserve more of Magic: The Gathering, it might be best to try the video game out as well.
What’s great about the video game version is that the same rules apply between it and the tabletop version. It’s a good way to practice without having to go out of your way to meet with others and then battle with them.
Strategy Is Still The Key To Winning
The problem with some TCGs is that your chances at winning are highly dependent on the cards that you own. For games where better cards are more expensive, this often means that your chances of winning are also dependent on how much you spend on your deck.
With Magic: The Gathering, your cards and how much you spend are only secondary. As per TCG pros at Amazing Game Room, strategy is the primary driving force at winning. Aside from learning how to play your cards right, building good deck synergy is of utmost importance in the game as well.
If you know how to build a good deck, you can stand against the pros easily. Of course, keep in mind that they are experts at building deck synergy too so prepare to be challenged. With the developers constantly releasing new cards and phasing out old ones, you’ll need to be very dynamic with your strategies.
It can be daunting to create a deck of your own but there are many guides available to help you out.
It Was Supposed To Be A Board Game
Magic: The Gathering was intended to be a completely different gaming experience. It was supposed to be a board game actually. However, the developers saw that it was quite a financial risk to make a board game since it was more expensive to produce.
Instead of giving up on their dreams, the developers decided to turn the idea into a TCG. The developers wanted to turn their idea into something that was very easy to get into and was playable in between sessions of other games. Hence, Magic: The Gathering TCG was born.
Cards Can Be Really Expensive
Believe it or not, people can actually turn a huge profit from selling Magic: The Gathering cards. This shouldn’t be surprising though as some cards are deemed more valuable than others as well. Many will tell you that getting into this craft can be demanding on your wallet as well.
Just how expensive can cards get? The most expensive card in the history of the game so far is the Black Lotus. A copy of this rare card will set you back $27,000 and its price continues to increase. If you take care of your cards well and if you invest in the rare ones, you can generate good profit in the future too.
Of course, there are players who hold their cards near and dear to their hearts which is why they don’t think of ever selling them no matter what. It’s completely up to you how you treat your cards but keep in mind that the longer you keep your cards, the more valuable it will be.
How Many Cards Are Out There?
As we’ve said, the developers of the TCG continue to release new cards and expansions regularly. They’ve been consistent with their drive to expand the card list since the release of the game in 1993.
Now one question irks players regular – how many cards are out there? Well, there are no exact figures as to how many cards for the game but the estimate is that there are over 16,000 cards that launched since release. What’s even better is that there’s more to come.
Magic: The Gathering is a good hobby – or lifestyle rather, to get into. With such a welcoming community and a wide selection of cards available, it’s very easy to get into it even if you’re a newbie.