When did I start realising I was getting older?
Was it having children??
Realising I preferred Radio 2 over Radio 1?
Noticing my first grey hair, or that first laughter line?
Okay so I’m not really sure…I’m only 34 but age is certainly starting to catch up with me!!
But what I am sure about now is how choosing the right skincare and the careful application of decent makeup can makeup can make all the difference.
Gone are the days of going to bed with a face full of makeup, or splashing my face with cold water in the morning and assuming it was clean or assuming body lotion was for my entire body…including my face (the horror!!)
With age has come a passion for looking after my skin and seeing the results a good routine gives me..and wearing makeup in the right way (and the right amount) less can definitely be more!!! I love seeing others have this reaction too..the realisation that there are products out there that simply work…it’s kind of addictive!!
I feel empowered that I now know the difference between a serum and a cream, I understand the point of a facial oil and why exfoliating is an absolute MUST! And that professional grade makeup is available for us all!!
The one thing for sure is I/we cannot avoid getting older but if I am using natural ingredients free from harmful chemicals..that actually work..I won’t have to look my age because I certainly do not feel it!!
Glowing skin will always be in…to find out more head over to my Facebook page.