As crimes such as terrorism are on the rise, learning institutions, like universities, need to consider finding the most effective ways of boosting their security. As a matter of fact, security becomes the first thing to be taken care of.

Providing security for universities not only helps to create a conducive environment for the students to learn but also helps the working staff to execute their functions. For instance, had security measures been well installed at the University of Washington and Virginia Tech, there would have been fewer deaths. It’s after these horrible incidents that the world really saw the importance of security in places such as universities.

Security in Universities

There are quite a number of security measures that a learning institution can deploy for the safety of students. The following are some of the most effective ways of securing a university.

The Use Of Access Control Systems

When we talk about wireless technology, access control is considered to be one of them. Using this type of security measure helps secure a certain range of perimeter of a building. This type of measure can use passwords, key cards, biometrics or even PINS to secure the building. Since there are many options in access control, a university should find out which is the best option.

Why Access Controls Are One Of The Best To Secure Universities

They are relatively cheap: Since these systems are wireless and can be integrated so as to function on web platforms and on software, they are considered to be scalable and flexible, rather than having to install wires all over the university. Being wireless, the maintenance cost is also lower, needs less hardware, and time-saving.

Simple to install: Unlike other systems which need wiring, wireless installation does not need such process, meaning that the installation cost will be less, making it suitable in universities as no disruptions will be faced when installing.

Remote coverage: Since universities are big in size, security can be a hard task t execute. But through the use of wireless controls which can be integrated to a central place, it will be easier to control the whole university without even considering the logistics.

Plenty of options: The wireless access has the ability to be configured so as to satisfy a particular need. This makes it the ideal solution to a university which basically has more than one security need. Also, being a real-time system, information is conveyed at that particular time, making it easier for security personnel to act immediately.Storing data and information is also another advantage as one will see the exact time something took place.

The Use Of CCTV Systems

Since universities are big in size and have lots of buildings from classes, dormitories, sports centers, to libraries, there is a major challenge when it comes to securing all these places. Because of these challenges, the use of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) is considered as the perfect approach to reducing security issues, through prevention and detection too. Universities should install the CCTV system all over the campus so as to properly cover the prime places where security issues can happen. Some of the prime places to install the CCTV are at the main entrances, outside offices, libraries (in and out), on major streets, and main public areas.

Advantages of installing CCTV in universities

Maintenance of facilities: as universities comprise of many buildings of importance like labs and libraries, CCTV cameras can greatly assist in securing the facilities, as they will record and suspicious access or behavior.

Acts as a protector of the students: As a matter of fact, there is a constant movement of students in the university be it during the day or at night. Video surveillance can definitely assure the students that security is on the process, making them move freely.

Prevent crimes: Anyone with an ill intention of breaking into a building or committing a crime will be deterred by the simple fact that the cameras are watching.

Assist in investigations: The recorded videos by the cameras can be used by the authority to identify the cause or the person involved in a crime.

They are simple to install: With only having the IP network and the cameras, the installation can be done without any interruptions.

The Use of Fire Alarm Systems

Each and every university should have a fully working system that can detect a small fire and sent a signal in form of alarm so that security measures can be taken like: fighting the fire, safe escape, and to protect the property.

Before choosing the correct fire detection and alarm system, a design must be made so as to cover the whole university, and above all, it should comply with all required standards.

In the system design, what will be looked at is the necessity of overriding controls, of staffing an evacuation alarm, which category of system is needed, interfacing with different fire systems, how to curb false alarms, and what can trigger and effect strategies.

The system should either have an open circuit that is controlled conventionally or in the case of possessing more than 20 fire devices, it will be advisable to use radio-linked systems.


The above shows the security measures which are best to install in university buildings as a way of not only protecting the students but the staff and the equipment too. Without the installation of security, crimes such as theft, burglary, and vandalism could be possible. However, security systems such as access control systems and CCTV camera systems can guarantee a sense of security and safety.

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