In the last few years, there has been growing awareness around the health of our beloved pets. The growth in the number of online platforms, communities, and forums has allowed pet parents to become more informed about some of the health conditions that our furry friends experience.

One major health concern that pet dogs suffer from is ailments related to the liver. Just like in human beings, the liver controls all aspects of food digestion in dogs. A properly functioning liver ensures that our dogs are eating well, digesting what they are fed, and enjoying strong health.

Unfortunately, leading veterinarians point out that liver-related ailments in pet dogs are more common than you might think. If left unchecked or untreated, it can result in serious problems and even cause death. This is why pet parents need to watch out for some signs. 

In this article, we are going to look at and observe five signs that can help tell you that your pet dog is suffering from liver-related ailments. If you are a pet parent that is concerned about the health and well-being of your beloved, you should pay attention to what we have to say.

List of 5 Signs your Pet Dog is Suffering from Liver-Related Ailments

1. Puking food immediately after being fed

One of the first signs that you need to watch out for is whether your pet is puking food after it is eating the same. Check whether they are puking it immediately or after a few hours.

It means that the stomach is not accepting the food. This happens when there is a liver problem and the natural enzymes that break down the food are not developing enough.

This can be because of infections, viruses, cysts, or even stones. If your dog is puking food regularly, it is best to check in with the vet and get a USG done.

2. Vomiting bile late night or early morning

As pet parents, we have often woken up to the sounds of your dog’s stomach-churning. This is followed by a process where they seem to vomit a bile-like liquid.

This is usually yellowing-to-white in color and is foamy in nature. The development of bile in the stomach means that additional enzymes to break down the food are taking place. This might be because the liver goes into overdrive and this results in over secretion.

If this happens once or twice a month, you can take it as routine. Otherwise, you need to get a vet’s appointment done. The vet will prescribe the best liver supplements for dogs.

3. Loss of appetite and turning away from the food bowl

Dogs are highly food-driven creatures. Some breeds like Labradors are notorious for their ability to eat huge quantities and still feel hungry!

However, if you are the pet parent of a dog that enjoys his or her food and now doesn’t, there might be a problem where a medical intervention might be required. If your pet dog suddenly starts to lose interest in the food, it might be because of an underlying liver condition.

Change the food and see the reaction. If they got bored, they will go back to their normal foody habits after your switch foods. If they do not, and still maintain a distance from the bowl, maybe you need to run some tests.

4. Sudden lethargy and drop-in activity levels

Unlike human beings, your pet dog might not be able to say that they have a stomach cramp. As a responsible pet parent, you need to observe bodily behavior and assess for yourself whether they are sick or not. dogs are active creatures.

Some breeds enjoy a high level of energy. If you find that your highly active and energetic dog is not their usual self, there might be something wrong.

Give it a day or two and assess other signs like whether they are eating or not, their poop, etc. If things do not get better, check in with a veterinarian who will ask you to get some scans done.

5. Yellowness in the skin, gums, tongue, and eye sockets

One of the most common signs of jaundice in dogs is this. Jaundice affects dogs just like it affects human beings.

If you notice that the tongue, gums, eyes, and skin of your dog are turning pale or to a shade closer to yellow, you should immediately take them to the vet. Jaundice in dogs needs to be treated with alacrity.

This is because the deterioration of the liver is very fast. The vet will prescribe antibiotics and a cleaner diet that will be easier to ingest. You need to keep a check on the stool and see whether it is clear of any blood signs.

The Bottom Line

A majority of dogs suffer from liver problems in their lifetime. Even though as pet parents, we try to provide them with the best of everything, yet issues of the liver are things that most of us have to contend with. Looking for these five tell-tale signs can give pet parents a lot of idea about whether their pooches are suffering from some kind of liver-related ailments or not.